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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  February 7, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EST

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orders placed on the internet. when it comes to mail pickup, there will be no saturday service. broad public suppt. >> that's fine. >> i can wait another day. it's mostly trash mail i have to throw out anyway. >> reporter: some worried about rural residents. >> for them, i think they'll have a lot to say. >> reporter: in the past, they have mandated saturday delivery, now will congress back out and let postal masters make their own decisions? >> we have more coming up.
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fox morning news continues now. this is fox 5 morning n ewses. a live look over th washington area now. it's wintertime, we expect it to be cold but we have some changes on the way. there's some cold temperatures in boston and we could get a little bit of that, possibly. >> it could be fun starting tomorrow. >> welcome to fox 5 morning n ews. here's the deal, it's going to be a close call for us. but just like it has been all winter long. it's going to be north and west for us. many of our viewers will get some cold rain tomorrow. perhaps it will end tomorrow, but a lot of question marks. the worst will be to the north and the east if you're heading
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to new york or boston, look out. or bring a snow shovel. >> it's going to be a blizzard there. >> looks like it, yeah. they could have a couple feet in boston. >> finally, winter hits. >> they're getting the bull's eye there. today's weather, no concerns with today. today is nice and quiet. it's going to turn cloudy and highs in the 40s. we're not looking at any rain or snow today. 25 this morning. looking at radar, you a storm to the west and the north, that's chicago. that's a player because this time of the year, typically we would be talking about a big snow event up and down the eastern sea board. but down towards atlanta, look
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at that storminess, that's going to become a coastal no nor'easter. we could get a wintery mix and transitioning to rain by friday. temperatures on the cool side. 40 in the city. cooler than yesterday and more clouds than yesterday too. >> thank you. time to check in with julie for the morning drive. >> so far so good and no issues on 95. no issues to report for those north on 395. traffic is flowing on the wilson bridge. and for those towards 270, all of your lanes are open. thank you.
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the big story today, the senate intelligence committee begins a confirmation hearing for president obama's pick for cia directer. >> they could avoid one hurdle. live on capitol hill with the latest in the story. >> reporter: some of the most controversial parts of this ongoing war will be part of this hearing and the in house as w ell. lawmakers get to read a classified report that justifies the use of drone strikes to kill americans. president obama's pick to head the cia will have to answer sop tough problems. he's been divined -- described as the architect of the drone strikes. his 16-year-old son, also an
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american citizen, killed in a drone strike three weeks later. it is legal for the government to kill u.s. citizens if they believe they're senior al-qaida leaders. 11 senators, most democrats have demanded the president provide legal justification. >> far fewer civilians lose their lives in an effort to go after senior leadership in al- qaida as opposed to invade a country with hundreds and thousands of troops. >> it violates the idea of having world law and having the architect of the program get a promotion and brought up for
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cia directer. they have to ask some hard questions. >> he will likely face questions about water boarding as well. he once said that the techniques did save lives. in a senate questionnaire, he backed off about said he had some personal objections to the techniques. in other news, defense secretary is also testifying today. he will give more details about the attack on the u.s. embassy in libya. he announced wednesday he has approved cutting the number
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of aircraft carriers from two to one. the cuts come at a time of increasing tensions across the globe. some say it's a smart economic move and the government can call for more carriers at any time. checking our other top s tories, maryland's first hearing on the sweeping gun control law has attracted protesters. increased licensing fees and required training in order to own a gun. the governor believes they will prevent dangerous people from owning guns. coming up a little later here, should workers get paid overtime for checking their e- mail and taking phone calls from their boss when they're not at work. a new lawsuit says yes. boeing is working to get
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the dreamliner back in the skies. we'll have an update. we'll be right back [ dad ] find it?
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ya. alright, another one just like that. right in the old bucket. good toss! see that's much better! that was good. you had your shoulder pointed, you kept your eyes on your target. let's do it again -- watch me. just like that one... [ male announcer ] the durability of the volkswagen passat. pass down something he will be grateful for. good arm. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ back to you.
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today is a big day for boeing. they are giving an update on the battery problems. today, they will talk about the investigation. yesterday, they said that the lithium batteries can be safe. the search is onto find whoever targeted a local subshop with explosives. the blast went off and the owner is recovering from minor burns. they don't know if the device was carried or tossed into the store. the republican speaker at the state house has shot down a redistricting plan that favored the gop in the state senate. last month, republicans approved a plan to redraw the
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state's district line. it would boost republican's strengths in other districts. they took action when the s enator was absent. you may not recognize his face or name, but he left an impact on the district with a generous donation. one organization's plan for $28 million it was not e xcepting. we have cold temperatures to start you off. i'll have the details on the weather forecast and the big storm moving up the eastern sea board and julie will have traffic after the break. e brea ♪
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[ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. guts. glory. ram. the new ram 1500. motor trend's 2013 truck of the year.
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welcome back. it is 5:15 on this thursday. getting close to the weekend and we're also getting closer to what we call it? a weather event moving in this way. tucker has more on that. >> let's emphasize, around here, we're on the edge of it. it's not going to be a major deal in the washington area. >> okay. >> just rain, you think? >> mostly rain. we're going to be close enough, we have to watch it here for the next 24 hours, but right now, the main event looks to be to the north and the east. >> traveling north. >> if you're going new york,
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rhode island, massachusetts, that's going to be ground zero of a potential blizzard here. >> probably not a good idea to go if you don't have to. >> bring a snow shovel. some people love it. no issues traveling today, it will be tomorrow and saturday. today clouds and cool temperatures, we're not going to deal with anything at all, not even rain today. 28 this morning in leonardtown. today only to about 40 and a lot of clouds. there's the cloud cover really rolling in in the last couple hours. it will be a mostly cloudy day today. low pressure to the north and
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the west and developing low. this is going to be the main event here across the northern gulf, it's going to tap into that energy and create a big coastal low right off of north carolina tomorrow and tomorrow night. looks like we're going to be on the western edge of the winter weather. here's the timing of what is going to be happening. today just cloud cover. the evening commute, clouds out there. as we get into the nighttime hours, we're at 3:00 a.m.. we i see the rain moving in and the potential for wintery mix by about 3:00 a.m.. early tomorrow morning, it maybe a slick spot or two. tomorrow on friday, just a rain event for us. the whole thing could end late tomorrow and early saturday
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morning as the period of snow, getting some of the wrap around moisture as the area beats it. that would be blizzard c onditions and snow resorts are going to be loving it, certainly one of our biggest storms in years. 40 for us, winds out of the southeast at 5-10. rain late, by daybreak, i think we'll have a little something around here. winds ot out of the east. wintery mix and rain tomorrow, could end as a brief period of snow friday and saturday. and then we get some sunshine and warmer temperatures by sunday. upper 40s to around 50. emphasizing, the storm system developing. you want to stay tuned to the latest developments during the
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day. that's a look of weather. on the mobile app, it's f ree. >> southbound 270, traveling south. waking up with no issues there. i will tell you this, lanes are open at college park. 295 is quiet. inbound, no issues. northbound on 301, they're c hecking for a pole down, we'll keep you posted on that. no issues reported there at the wilson bridge. that's the check of your fox 5 on-time traffic.
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born and raised in washington, richard herman p assed away last year at the age of 100 and his legacy will live on thanks to a generous d onation. >> reporter: richard herman never wanted the spotlight, he i probably won't have cared much for the big press conference held. >> i use the word shy, he was the opposite of pompous. >> he lived here at the water gate for many years, much of his fortune was passed down from his father. he rarely splurged. he lived a long life here, born in 1912 in northwest, he went
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to d.c. central high school. >> in his will, he with left $28 million to family matters. >> reporter: the jaw-dropping amount came as a huge surprise to the non-profit family matters of greater washington, it's one of the nation's oldest national services. it was three times the budget dedicated to disadvantaged children, families about s eniors. >> for something like this to happen is extraordinary. >> he had mentioned he hoped there would be some fund he would help establish so d.c. kids who otherwise couldn't afford nice clothes to wear to proms or graduation, that might be taken care of. >> reporter: he also had great
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love for performing arts. he would visit to see the symphony and the opera. his last gifts for those in a city he loved. >> i think it's a wonderful story that he could give so quietly and in his death be m aking such a great impact. a d.c. teacher is being recognized for her hard work by receiving a big surprise. he won the educator award. it brings a $25,000 check to spend any way she wants. >> i have just always wanted to teach. that's all i know. i always wanted to be the person that when i woke up in the morning, the devil would say, o h, lord, she's up. >> she sat up special programs
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for students. good for her. >> that's well deserved. are you constantly connected to work? >> many are. they're always checking on work e-mail and taking calls from the boss long after we have gone home. find out why one employee says enough is enough and it's time to get paid for it. aid for it.
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[ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah. touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn't your car? you can't do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever.
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and that's how you do it. easy. ♪
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you may have heard about the big bruce willis marathon going on. five bruce willis movies back to back including a good day to die hard. here's how you can win a ticket. go to our facebook page and like it and go to fox 5's web site and fill out the online entry form for the die hard marathon give away. you have to do both to be eligible to win. 25 winners will be chosen by random drawings and they will each receive one ticket on february 13th. you must be 18 or older to e nter. just a note for you facebook f ans, that's not the page we need you to like for the give
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away. it's facebook page. we're one week out from valentine's day. facebook is a common tool to do a little research before a first date. 48% of women research men before a date. it's not uncommon to be p lugged in at work, but a police sergeant says he's fed up. if he's expected to check e- mails after hours, he wants to be paid for it. he and fellow officers are paid overtime for the work they have done on their blackberries. do you agree with the lawsuit and to you spend a lot of time
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catching up on work e-mails and phone calls when you're off? justin says, who doesn't, if you feel you shouldn't have to do that work, maybe you should think of a change in position. there you go. >> there it is. >> this is a talker. still ahead, we're following two big stories this morning. the pentagon forced to make a major cut that some are concerned will be a threat to security. time now is 5:28.  [ male announcer ] pipillsbury grands biscuits.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs.
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gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. good morning on this thursday, looking live over washington d.c. going to be a little cold. little check in with tucker now and get the latest on our forecast. good morning. just looking at the latest s torm. we have a developing storm tomorrow. we're going to be on the southern and western end of it. if you don't like winter w eather, that's good news for u s. our friends to the north will be shoveling and shoveling later this weekend. here's your temperatures, 32 at reagan national. boston this morning is 20. new york is 11 and 26 in d
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etroit. the cold air is setting the stage for the big winter storm rolling up the eastern sea board tomorrow. here's our forecast today. the morning commute, nice and dry. clouds rolling in and will be cloudy. lots of clouds, but we're not expecting any precipitation until early tomorrow morning. a one-two combination. storminess towards chicago. you can see the rain down into mississippi and alabama. that's going to be a coastal nor'easter and roll up the coast here and we're going to be looking at perhaps a wintery mix tomorrow morning transitioning to rain and maybe back to a little snow when the whole thing winds up. it's a complicated weather forecast. more details coming up. today, no issues, highs about
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40 with a lot of clouds. let me emphasize for tomorrow, we may see a little built of winter weather, but we're not going to get the main event by any means. won't be a big deal. we escape once again. things could change, but looks like the worst is north and east. let's check in with julie wright. good morning, so far so g ood, you're worried about t oday, i think i can help you out. dry pavement along 270. no issues reported out towards clarksburg on southbound 270. a little busy heading out towards the town. no issues reported now. lanes are open eastbound on 66 as you make that push eastbound
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to 123. traffic is flowing and travel extends up and this happens to be the stretch at eastern. passing the d.c. line with all lanes open traveling to and from the d.c. bridge. thank you. president obama agrees to release a classified document providing the permission for drone strikes. >> live on capitol hill with the details. >> reporter: john has been described the architect of this drone strike. it has launched precision a ttacks on al-qaida targets even american citizens. president obama's pick is the
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former chief counter-terrorism advisor. under his watch, he became the first american for death in yemen for a drone strike. an unclassified memo says it's legal for the government to kill u.s. citizens aboard if they believe they're in al- qaida even if there's not an eminent a ttack. there is bipartisan concern about the program. >> here you have a senior unaccountable official who makes the determination that recent activities lead him to conclude someone is a threat and you can send a drone to kill them. i am troubled any time government is as nontransparent
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as this. >> we conduct those strikes because they're necessary to mitigate threats and prevent future attacks and these strikes are ethical and they are wise. >> president obama will release the classified memo to members of the house and senate some time this morning. the hearing in front of the intelligence committee begins about 2:30 this afternoon. budget problems on capitol hill resulted in major spending cuts. the navy is cutting from 2-1. >> the u.s. maintained the aircraft for a couple of years and maintained there. it will save the country hundreds of millions of dollars each year. some analysts say that the move
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is logical. >> so all it does is temporarily at times reduce our spending capability to launch a preemptive strike which at the moment we have no desire to do. if we change our minds, we can change the policies. budget issues are forcing crew members to stay at sea l onger, 9 months instead of 6. police have arrested people in a smash and rob brantlyery on tuesday. meadows is one of the masked men that smashed a display case. meadows remains in custody and police are trying to identify the other two suspects. to northern virginia for whoever blew up a subshop. the owner was inside when it
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happened and is recovering from minor burns. police are not sure if the device was carried or tossed into the store. some neighbors believe it was gang-related. coming up next, the sweet taste of victory. two maryland lawmakers will be treated to a feast today for a big super bowl win. we'll be right back but when i cook up some beef, ketchup, relish and cheese, cover it with crescent dough and pow! cheeseburger crescent casserole. double awesome. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you can't get more italian. it's on. let's roll. [ male announcer ] want to make a great car interior? stop looking at car interiors. get inspired by other stuff. yep. yep. ok. sure. why not? woah.
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touchscreens. put that in your dash. now, luxury stuff. make your seats like that. that thing has wifi, why doesn't your car? you can't do that. ignore that guy. give it wifi. yes! make it fit 5 people. no, 5 actual sized people. give them leg room, good. destroy boring car interiors forever. and that's how you do it. easy. ♪ fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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senators from maryland are getting a san francisco feast. they're collecting on a bet. it includes crabs, napa valley wine and northern california cheeses. >> sounds pretty good. >> it does. it's the end of an era for the 49ers and their fans, the historic park is set to be demolished. the team is moving to a new stadium in santa clara about 40- miles south. a rare baseball card that is almost 150 years old gets $92,000 at an auction. the card is from the 1865 team
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and was found in a yard sale in maine. it shows an amateur baseball club called the brooklyn atlantics. the opening bid was $10,000 but quickly rose. coming up next, the fight to rename a washington icon, why the redskins and other mascots will be the topic of a debate today. talking about the chances of a wintery mix tomorrow while parts of new england get ready for a blizzard. we'll be right back
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back now with a preview of the grammy awards and what everybody will be talking about is the fashion. nice dress there i was talking about. before the stars suit up, they may want to check with the s tar's producers to make sure that the outfits are
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acceptable. they must be adequately covered. for the possible nudity that creeps up. >> you don't want any wardrobe malfunctions, no see-through dresses. >> certain body parts. >> things that generates conversation and talk, you don't want that stuff. you want to talk about the m usic. >> i'm sure it won't happen. let's get to the weather. we have a lot to talk about. cold start to your day. you probably heard about the developing storm and friday and we'll talk about it. we want to emphasize, right now, it look like the worst of it will be to the north and north and east. stevensville 30 degrees for you. low to mid-20s north and west.
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23 in hagerstown. cumberland 23 degrees and chilly start to the day. it's going to be a cool afternoon. clouds are rolling in and yesterday with the sunshine, we got into the 40s. today, upper 30s to about 40 for the daytime highs. your close up, the clouds moving in overnight. not expecting any precipitation today. we're not going to be dealing with the storminess, it will be late tonight, early tomorrow morning. we could have some rain around for parts of the area during the morning hours tomorrow. it's a one-two combination and a developing area of low pressure here in the northern gulf. it's going to be the main storm off of the coast of the c arolinas and this is what we call a coastal nor'easter as it moves up the sea board tomorrow. the thinking is right now, the most intense part of the d
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evelopment will take place north and east of washington. we're going to be on the southern end of it. for us, that would mean mostly light rain tomorrow while they get a mix of rain and snow and some very big snows up towards boston and new england. still 24 hours away and want to mention, we could see a wintery mix tomorrow morning and again with the wrap around moisture late in the day friday and friday night. a lot to talk about. here will be during the day tomorrow and tomorrow night and blizzard conditions in new england. one to two feet of snow in boston up into vermont and new hampshire, snow back into pennsylvania and we're on the rain-snow mix line. many of us will get just rain. no issues at all today becoming
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cloudy. winds south and east at 5-10. tonight, 34 degrees. wintery mix, overnight low of 34 degrees. parts could get down to 32 degrees. we could have icy issues. there's your seven-day forecast, it could end with a brief period of snow around here for much of the area. warming up sunday with highs into the 50s. that's look at weather, let's see what is going on with julie this morning. a lot right now. those temperatures hovering around freezing tomorrow. could find some icy patches out there on the elevated areas, the bridges, ramps and o verpasses, plan accordingly. southbound 270 in the clear now leaving 124 to the beltway. starting to slow over to georgia avenue. northbound 301 a car took out a
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utility pole. eastbound 66, lanes are open but the pace is slowing heading in towards centerville. no issues reported for those traveling north on 395. that's a check of the fox 5 on time traffic. a symposium on racist m ascots is being held today at the national museum of the american indian. scholars and writers are e xpected to attend the event. a panel of 345 will focus on the push to change the redskins name and logo. it's been a hot topic and many of you have sounded off that you don't want a change. if the team had to change it, what do you think they should be called? >> coming up next in this
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morning's news, we have a special guest. >> a surprise guest? >> surprise guest. we'll be right back  ♪ [ male announcer ] the distances aren't getting shorter. ♪ the trucks are going farther. the 2013 ram 1500 with best-in-class fuel economy. engineered to move heaven and earth. guts. glory. ram.
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the new ram 1500. motor trend's 2013 truck of the year. i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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a special guest star. talking about the super bowl this week, the super bowl that just went by and someone else decided to weigh in too. i'm glad he did.
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time to debate, who's better? who's doing better this season? here we go. >> by the way, before we get started, how are your super bowl picks? >> what state are you from? >> i have a question for you. >> you had the ravens,. >> you had the 49ers. >> i have a surprise for you. >> i can't get into it. >> what's the surprise? >> i have a ravens fan. . >> what is going on? how are you, sir? congratulations. >> you better get the -- that's three in a row. >> that's unbelievable. >> i went against flacco because i didn't think the guy
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was real, but he is real. he earned the trophy. >> he picked them to win the super bowl at the beginning of the season. >> i did. >> you know, based on your p icks, you don't get to choose anything. >> let's talk about the c apitols, and what's the other team? >> the caps. >> my question to you, sir, what to you have hope for? the caps? the wizards? >> the wizards are already eliminated. >> no they're not. >> a they are. >> they're not. >> really? >> they're above charlotte. >> they are. how many games have they won. >> they've won a couple.
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it's a truncated season. we're down to 48. >> now that we have a shortened season and they're struggling miserablely, there could be hope for the wizards. >> as of this taping, it's ten. >> the wizards lost ten games, the wizards are done. >> john since his return in his first 14 games back, they were 7-7. if you put that, they would have been 8th in the eastern conference that would have been a playoff team. the same guy that you, sir, w anted to shut down a couple weeks ago, now there's life at the verizon center. >> allow me to retort, living in your fantasy world, they're okay. but they're still the second worse. >> that is not true. >> they have improved one game in possession. >> because they were buried
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without john wall. >> i can't believe you sabotage our show like that. for the record, you picked the 49ers as well. see you next week. >> you're awful. you're awful. you missed the ravens on every one. >> i don't know what you're t alking about. straight ahead, a degree at a discount, what some states are doing to make college more affordable.  hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow.
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[ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, ya. alright, another one just like that. right in the old bucket. good toss! see that's much better! that was good. you had your shoulder pointed, you kept your eyes on your target. let's do it again -- watch me. just like that one... [ male announcer ] the durability of the volkswagen passat. pass down something he will be grateful for. good arm. that's the power of german engineering. ♪ back to you.
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